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BM-T Tilt Switch

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
Dilihat Sebanyak
9 kali



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Detail BM-T Tilt Switch

The BinMaster Tilt Switch is a versatile, cost-effective level indicator that can be used in a wide variety of applications and materials. Activating an alert when the device tilts at least 15 degrees, it is used to detect high levels of large, heavy materials in bins, tanks and silos. Alternatively, it can be used to detect plugs or clogs in chutes during process operations. The tilt switch features a simple, mechanical design that allows it to also be used as a load sensor when positioned over open piles or conveyor belts. The tilt switch is installed over a desired control point using a wire rope, chain or other flexible hanger capable of supporting the device. Generally, an optional paddle extension is installed to increase the sensitivity of the tilt switch. When tilted at least 15 degrees, a steel ball inside of the device activates a microswitch, alerting the user to a high level or clogged status. Distributor agent menjual service repair jasa perancangan perbaikan dan upgrade alat, sensor dan sistem level control and inventory management system for bins, tanks, and silos. 3D level measurement. ukur Level tangki, level silo, level bin, management level storage of processing powder and bulk solids such as cement & aggregates, chemicals, feed & grain, food, plastics, biofuels, pharmaceuticals, pulp & paper and wood product Jakarta - Indonesia TELP. 8611444 ( hunting) Call : Fikri : 0811 893 101, 0815 614 1954, 0813 992 919 09
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